The week post-ordination was a world apart from everything that had come before, and I found myself grappling with a deluge of complex emotions. To articulate those feelings accurately is a challenge, but I hope to encapsulate the essence through two poignant analogies – ‘decompression’ and the ‘adrenaline comedown’.

The surreal experience of the ceremony, its profound impact on my soul, and the following heartwarming celebration will forever be etched in my memory. My journey continues, now enriched with the lessons learned on that momentous day, and I am ready to embrace whatever comes next with faith and gratitude.

Without a strong emphasis on prayer, churches risk losing their connection to their spiritual source, resulting in a weakened sense of purpose and power.

The days leading up to my ordination were both challenging and deeply contemplative. I faced physical limitations due to a second operation on my back, which resulted in strict instructions to avoid bending, twisting, or lifting at all costs.