The Fight for Fairness: The End Frozen Pensions – Thailand Branch Campaign

There were some old folk from here,

Who went to live over there,

Their money was chopped,

To live a miserable lot,

Their shouts, the PM wont hear!


Recognizing this issue, having engaged with several affected pensioners and the urgent need for reform, as a committed individual, I created a Facebook page, “End Frozen Pensions – Asia”, and an associated Group, “End Frozen Pensions – Thailand Branch”. The group serves as a rallying point for those affected by the frozen pensions policy, providing a platform for collective action and information dissemination.

In a globalized world, citizens of one country often find themselves making a life in another. This is particularly true for British citizens, many of whom have chosen to retire in warmer climates, with Thailand being a popular choice. Unfortunately, due to the frozen pensions policy, British expatriates, including those in Thailand, face the financial challenges of living on a pension that has not kept pace with the cost of living.

Recognizing this issue, having engaged with several affected pensioners and the urgent need for reform, as a committed individual, by extension of the work I have done with St George’s Church and its Pattaya Mission, I created a Facebook page, “End Frozen Pensions – Asia”, and an associated Group, “End Frozen Pensions – Thailand Branch”. The group serves as a rallying point for those affected by the frozen pensions policy, providing a platform for collective action and information dissemination.

The group is replete with compelling and informative posts to inform the general public and galvanise its members into action. From inviting members to share personal stories about how living on a frozen pension affects their daily life to posting about the steps members can take to make a difference – such as writing to their MPs and registering to vote – the posts demonstrate the gravity of the situation and the necessary steps towards resolution.

Moreover, the group has made a concerted effort to engage decision-makers directly, crafting compelling emails to political figures such as The Right Hon. Sir Roger Gale, Chair of the All Part Parliamentary Group: Frozen Pensions, several of the vice-chairs, Penny Mordaunt, Leader of the House of Commons, and former Leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn MP, a member of the All Party Parliamentary Group Frozen Pensions. These correspondences respectfully articulate the plight of many British expatriates, encouraging the recipients to use their political clout to expedite the abolishment of the frozen pensions policy.

This group has also explored the legal aspects of the frozen pensions policy, highlighting significant court cases and explaining the potential for change within the legal framework. One notable post detailed the unsuccessful attempts by Annette Carson, a UK pensioner living in South Africa, to challenge the policy through the UK courts and the European Court of Human Rights.

Through all this, the “End Frozen Pensions – Thailand Branch” Facebook page embodies people’s resilience and determination to rectify injustice. It offers a platform for those directly affected by the frozen pensions policy. It provides a roadmap for similar groups worldwide, demonstrating the power of collective action and the potential of social media as a tool for change.

Despite the considerable challenges ahead, the “End Frozen Pensions – Thailand Branch” remains resolute in its mission to unfreeze British pensions, ensuring that all British citizens, irrespective of where they reside, receive a fair and just pension, which its members have spent many years paying into.

Follow their ongoing campaign on Facebook and join in their fight for fairness. We can make a difference and help end the frozen pensions policy.

Here are some other posts folks have read:

About Rev Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell

Rev. Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell, an Englishman deeply connected to Thailand, was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood on 28th May 2023.

In addition to his religious journey, he has worked as an online English teacher and pursued a career as an artist. He has also operated a tour desk business with his wife within international brand hotels.

Lloyd has extensive experience in the voluntary sector, specifically in addressing homelessness and social welfare.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and embraces opportunities to meet new people, see new places, explore cultural similarities, and celebrate differences.