Shiiin, Jet Stream, White earphones and mustachioed Dan

On 15 January I went to see Shiiin, Jet Stream, White earphones; an art exhibition of work by my old pal, Damien Roach (See: LINK HERE).

It was a great do and a bunch of other pals from a past life were there too.

rare to see Damien and so the fact that I saw him alongside a whole
load of joint friends and his Dad (who is a great man to talk to) was a
real pleasure.

I also caught up with Dan, a mustachioed dude I remember from Bromley, he now works for a magazine.

chatted about our different positions and it was Dan who suggested I
write a blog of my adventures. "Everyone loves the idea of just walking
away!", Dan shouted over the din.

He went on, "Of
course! Everyone wants to give their dog to a neighbour and go abroad.
And if they can't actually do it, they like to read about people who

Dan encouraged me to get in touch with magazines
and explore who might be interested in taking written work on spec with
the blog as a background for people to follow.

So thanks to Dan, 'we are where we are' (as JW used to say).

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