This is the last series of images from my outing to Graciosa.

Essentially the images document my walk along the beach and I hope you like them.  It was interesting how the beaches changed as I wandered along in the sun.

I also collected a really interesting array of shells as I walked.

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On a walk around Whitstable Harbour rusty things catch our eye.

Christmas 2006 and 1st Jan 2007 in Whit. 077 

Rusty chains lay unemployed by the side of the harbour wall

Christmas 2006 and 1st Jan 2007 in Whit. 088 

A piece of wood shows its age

Christmas 2006 and 1st Jan 2007 in Whit. 074

More chains lay around.

Pictures (spring) 156

Pictures (Spring 06) 124

Pictures (Spring 06) 120

We traveled to a hardwood logging/processing plant.

FABBI - chain gang 2

A chainsaw operator cuts through a trunk with his meter long blade.

FABBI - employees
Workers pose for the camera.

FABBI - employees 3
More workers pause for the shot.

FABBI - manufacturing floor 3 (b&w)
The manufacturing floor looms large in front of us.

FABBI - milll saw 2
The mill saw drags logs across its blade.

FABBI - steamers 3
Freshly cut wood is placed into a steamer.

FABBI - steamers 4
After 2 months the logs start to show their potential colours.

FABBI - steamers 6
After three months the logs have changed colour completely with all manner of oranges and browns.

FABBI - timber waiting to be processed
The scale of the operation is slightly overwhelming.

FABBI - workers lockers
Employees personal belongings are left in beautiful simply made lockers alongside the production line.

We stayed at Esther's place.  The following images were taken from the veranda whilst we waited for various appointments.

Builder with pan on head 3
A builder constructing a new aviary carries his pan on his head between loads.

Hotel front garden flower 1
Flowers which I have only ever seen for sale as house plants grow abundantly in the hotel grounds.

Hotel front garden flower 2

Over exposed but still a beautiful image.

Hotel front garden flower 9
A bat plant.  I recently bought one of these for Dad's wife.

Lizard 8
These colourful lizards scamper around.  This is a male.  The females are a little plainer.

Peacock feathers 1
A peacock struts around showing off his feathers.

Peacock head 1
The peacock stops for a moment to pose for the camera.

During the 2005 trip to Ghana, we spent time at Kokrobite Beach.  It is a magical place.  We were there on a public holiday due to the independence day celebrations and the beach was full of families and body boarding surfers.  It was a beautiful day which I will never forget.

K beach - surfing 2 

Here two guys approach the waves with their boards.

K beach - surfing 7 

Surfing in toward the shore.

K beach - kids on boat 7
Children help to pull the fishing boats into shore.

K beach - children surfing 25

A young woman takes part in the surfing.

K beach - children surfing 29

A toothless child smiles for the camera.