Upload Your Video

You can upload your video here.

    1 of 9 steps - Your name

    2 of 9 steps - Your email

    3 of 9 steps - What is the title of your video

    4 of 9 steps - Your bio

    5 of 9 steps - A summary of your Small Change revolution idea

    6 of 9 steps - We will share a link URL - if you have one

    7 of 9 steps - Upload your 3-minutes video

    8 of 9 steps - Terms and conditions (below)

    9 of 9 steps - Check that everything is accurate and you are satisfied and then click the Upload to Small Change Revolution button below

    Terms of Contribution to Small Change Revolution (SCR)

    Parties Involved

    * Small Change Revolution (Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell), hereafter referred to as "SCR"
    * Contributor (you)

    General Conditions
    * All contributors must adhere to the terms and conditions of YouTube and the YouTube Community Guidelines.

    Copyright and Permissions
    * The copyright of the video remains with the creator.
    * For the purposes of the SCR project, contributors grant SCR permission to:
    * Upload the video, along with the associated bio and links provided, to the SCR YouTube channel.
    * Share this content on other SCR social media channels, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn, without limitation.

    Code of Conduct
    * SCR upholds values of diversity and inclusiveness. Hate speech and prejudice are strictly prohibited.
    * Any discriminatory behavior or language witnessed in the video contribution that appears to break the law will be reported to the appropriate authorities, along with all communications, contact details, and the video.

    Discretionary Uploads
    * Video contributions do not have an automatic right to be uploaded to the SCR YouTube channel, even if they comply with YouTube Community Guidelines.
    * All uploads are at the discretion of SCR, without limitation.

    Technical Requirements
    * All video contributions must be in a format compatible with YouTube.
    * SCR does not assume responsibility for converting file types for upload.
    * All videos should be filmed using the appropriate orientation - portrait for contributions less than 1-minute and landscape for contributions more than 1-minute and less than 3-minutes)
    * SCR will not accept any video’s that are longer than 3-minutes.

    Content Review and Removal
    * SCR acknowledges that societal values change over time. If an uploaded video is deemed no longer positive or inspirational, SCR reserves the right to remove it from the YouTube channel for any reason without limitation and without any feedback to the contributor.

    Contribution Limits
    * To ensure fair use of the platform, SCR will only accept one contribution from a cause or individual every four (4) months.

    URL and Content Restrictions
    * Only one URL related to the content of the video will be shared in the description.
    * SCR will not accept contributions or URLs related to offensive, pornographic, or intentionally inflammatory content.
    * Contributions discussing any religious or political beliefs are considered, but SCR reserves the right to refuse content that may disrupt community harmony for any reason, without limitation and without any requirement for feedback to the contributor.

    Video Length
    * Contributions must be a maximum of three (3) minutes. There is no minimum length requirement.

    Originality equals traction
    * In order to gain the most potential traction all contributions must be original content and not recycled footage.

    Revenue Use
    * SCR is an unregistered not-for-profit (NFP) cause. Any revenue accrued from the YouTube channel or other social channels will support the project, including hosting, website/channel development, advertising, and marketing.

    Intellectual Property
    * The name "Small Change Revolution" and any related artwork are the sole and exclusive intellectual property of SCR.

    SCR reserves the right to amend, update and change these terms and conditions at anytime without prior consutation.


    We provide guidance on how to make a good Small Change Revolution video.  Read that before you make your video.