Tag Archive for: people

Sorry for the delay in writing.

Since arriving back on the rock I have been up to my eyes in diving, sun and generally going out and about meeting new people.  What a tough life…I hear you cry.  And you would be right.

One of the little gems which my pal SJ introduced me to is a little cafe in Teguise.  I am pretty sure I wrote about it before.

Essentially it is just off of the Lion Square.

June 2010 040

This is the outside just after the Sunday market has closed.  Stall holders, artists, bohemians and the like meet and socialise inside and outside 'Las Palmera'.  I recommend it to you.  But only if when you go in, you tell the guys there that I sent you. 

June 2010 008

This is the door.

June 2010 009

This is the bar.

June 2010 038

The guy in the hat is a really good bloke.  The whole place is filled with music, food, drink and spanish chat.  It is a really vibrant place.

June 2010 037

It's only small but you can fit a lot in.

June 2010 024

These are the Sunday afternoon musicians. 

June 2010 027

Counting money.


June 2010 019 

This is the kitchen.  It is really basic but produces amazing grilled meat.   If there is a reason not to be a vegetarian, this place is it.   So I can't become a veggie just yet!

June 2010 020

Better view of the grill.





I thought I should share with you some of the images I took on the island during the day trip and in this case I will show you the people I saw on Sunday morning.

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As we got off the ferry we were welcomed by this old dude with his traditional Canarian hat.

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On the island there are only a few cars and so most imports are transported by wheelbarrow.

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Child crying.

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People talking.

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Two people sit in silence sharing each others company.

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Kid plays with a bottle which has been dropped by the baby in the buggy.

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Old guy who I guess is Grandpa takes the two brothers for a walk.

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Girl sits by her dog.

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Man taking his barrow to the harbour for some goods.

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Two women gossip outside the church.