Challenging Discrimination | Government‘s Approach to ’Low-Value’ Degrees

Inclusive policies, our fervent plea,
To build a just society, for all to see.
Liberation’s vision, let it guide our way,
As we tread the path towards a brighter day.


Critics argue that the government’s measures disproportionately affect working-class and minority-ethnic applicants. This article explores the implications of this policy within the framework of Liberation Theology, which emphasizes justice, inclusivity, and empowerment.


In a move that demands critical examination, the UK government has announced its intention to restrict the number of students pursuing “low-value” degrees in English universities. However, from the perspective of Liberation Theology, this policy raises concerns about perpetuating discrimination against marginalized communities. Critics argue that the government’s measures disproportionately affect working-class and minority-ethnic applicants. This article explores the implications of this policy within the framework of Liberation Theology, which emphasizes justice, inclusivity, and empowerment.

Examining Structural Discrimination:

The government’s narrow focus on categorizing certain degrees as “low-value” demonstrates a disregard for the transformative power of education, particularly for historically marginalized communities. Education has the potential to be a catalyst for profound change, providing individuals with the tools and knowledge to challenge the status quo and address systemic inequalities.

Universities play a crucial role in breaking down barriers that have historically hindered marginalized communities from accessing higher education. By actively facilitating access, universities become agents of change, enabling individuals who were once marginalized to enter academic spaces and engage in transformative learning experiences.

Liberation Theology recognizes the profound importance of education in fostering personal growth, critical thinking, and social change. It acknowledges that education is not merely a means to acquire knowledge, but a transformative process that empowers individuals to challenge oppressive structures and contribute to the creation of a more just and inclusive society.

Through education, individuals from marginalized communities can develop a sense of agency, voice their experiences and perspectives, and actively participate in shaping their own narratives. Education provides them with the intellectual tools to critically analyze social, economic, and political systems, and to challenge the power dynamics that perpetuate oppression.

Liberation Theology calls for the recognition and dismantling of oppressive structures that contribute to societal inequalities. It highlights the interconnectedness between education and social justice, emphasizing that access to education is not only a personal endeavor but also a collective responsibility to address systemic injustices.

By challenging oppressive structures, universities and educational institutions can foster an inclusive environment that values diverse perspectives, experiences, and knowledge systems. They can create spaces where individuals from historically marginalized communities are empowered to actively participate in shaping their own destinies and contributing to the broader struggle for justice and equality.

Liberation Theology emphasizes that education is not a passive process but an active force for personal and social transformation. By recognizing the transformative power of education and actively working towards dismantling oppressive structures, we can pave the way for a more equitable, inclusive, and just society.

The Power of Diverse Subjects:

Universities play a vital role in fostering intellectual curiosity and personal growth by offering a wide range of diverse subjects. This inclusive approach recognizes that individuals have varied interests, talents, and aspirations that deserve equal opportunities for exploration and development. From a Liberation Theology perspective, this commitment to diverse subjects reflects a fundamental principle of justice and inclusivity.

By offering a broad spectrum of disciplines, universities ensure that individuals from all walks of life can pursue their passions and find their unique paths to contribute meaningfully to society. Whether it’s the arts, sciences, humanities, or professional fields, each subject area holds its own inherent worth and potential impact. Liberation Theology recognizes the importance of valuing and celebrating this diversity, as it fosters a society that embraces the richness of human experiences and contributions.

Labelling certain degrees as “low-value” undermines the true value of these fields and the interdisciplinary knowledge they provide. Such labels oversimplify the complex nature of education and disregard the potential for personal fulfillment and growth that these subjects offer. Liberation Theology emphasizes that the pursuit of knowledge and personal development is not solely defined by immediate employment outcomes or economic measures, but by the intrinsic worth of expanding one’s intellectual horizons and gaining a deeper understanding of the world.

Moreover, diverse subjects often intersect and complement each other, leading to innovative ideas and breakthroughs that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries. Interdisciplinary knowledge and collaboration are essential in addressing complex societal challenges and promoting holistic solutions. By dismissing certain fields as “low-value,” the government undermines the potential for interdisciplinary synergy and hinders the development of well-rounded individuals who can contribute meaningfully to various aspects of society.

Furthermore, personal fulfillment and well-being are integral to an individual’s educational journey. Pursuing a subject that aligns with one’s passions and interests brings a sense of purpose, motivation, and joy. By embracing diverse subjects, universities nurture the individual’s self-discovery, self-expression, and personal growth. This, in turn, contributes to a society where individuals can lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives, positively impacting their communities and the world at large.

The power of diverse subjects lies in their ability to cater to the broad spectrum of human interests and aspirations. By embracing this diversity, universities uphold the principles of justice, inclusivity, and personal fulfilment. Labelling certain degrees as “low-value” fails to acknowledge these fields’ intrinsic worth and potential impact, undermining interdisciplinary knowledge and the holistic development of individuals. Liberation Theology emphasizes the importance of recognizing and valuing diverse subjects, as they empower individuals to pursue their passions, contribute to society, and create a more inclusive and enlightened world.

Unpredictable Journeys and Life Changes:

Liberation Theology acknowledges that life journeys are unpredictable and dynamic, and individuals evolve over time. This recognition aligns with the understanding that personal growth and development are ongoing processes, influenced by a multitude of factors such as personal preferences, emerging passions, and changing circumstances. By embracing the fluidity of individual journeys, Liberation Theology challenges the notion that the value of a degree can be rigidly defined based solely on immediate employment outcomes.

In a rapidly changing world, it is crucial to recognize that individuals may experience shifts in their career paths and aspirations. What may have been the initial focus or intention when pursuing a degree can evolve as individuals gain new perspectives, insights, and life experiences. Education, especially within the framework of Liberation Theology, plays a pivotal role in facilitating personal growth, critical thinking, and social consciousness. It equips individuals with the tools to navigate life’s uncertainties and adapt to emerging opportunities and challenges.

By disregarding the transformative potential of education, solely focusing on immediate employment outcomes overlooks the broader impact and value of a well-rounded education. Liberation Theology emphasizes the importance of nurturing individuals who are committed to social justice and advocating for the betterment of society. A degree encompasses not only the acquisition of knowledge and skills but also the development of critical thinking, empathy, and a sense of social responsibility.

Moreover, the future is inherently uncertain, and job markets can fluctuate. Rigidly defining the value of a degree based on short-term employment prospects fails to recognize the enduring benefits of education. It neglects the capacity of individuals to adapt, learn, and contribute in various ways beyond immediate job placement. Education, within the context of Liberation Theology, aims to cultivate well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the intellectual and ethical foundations to make positive contributions to society regardless of specific career paths.

Furthermore, the transformative potential of education extends beyond professional development. It nurtures the development of holistic individuals who possess the capacity for critical self-reflection, ethical decision-making, and an understanding of their role in fostering social justice. These qualities contribute to a more compassionate, inclusive, and equitable society, where individuals actively engage in creating positive change.

Recognizing the unpredictable nature of life journeys and the potential for change is a fundamental principle of Liberation Theology. Education plays a transformative role in nurturing well-rounded individuals committed to social justice. By understanding that the value of a degree extends beyond immediate employment outcomes, we can embrace the transformative potential of education to foster personal growth, critical thinking, and a lifelong dedication to creating a more just and equitable world.

Challenging Inequalities and Empowering Marginalized Communities:

Challenging inequalities and empowering marginalized communities lie at the core of Liberation Theology. The government’s policy, as criticized by many, has the unintended consequence of penalizing universities and courses with a higher representation of working-class and minority-ethnic students. This approach contradicts the principles of justice and equity that Liberation Theology advocates for.

Liberation Theology recognizes that structural inequalities are deeply embedded in society and must be addressed to create a more just and inclusive world. Education is a powerful tool for breaking down these barriers and providing opportunities for marginalized communities to overcome systemic discrimination. By limiting opportunities for these students, the government perpetuates existing inequalities and denies them the chance to access higher education on an equal footing with their peers.

Higher education has long been considered a pathway to social mobility and a means of breaking free from the constraints imposed by socioeconomic backgrounds. However, when policies restrict opportunities for marginalized communities, they reinforce systemic barriers, hindering social mobility and perpetuating the cycle of inequality.

Empowering marginalized communities through education is crucial in challenging systemic discrimination and creating a more equitable society. By limiting their access to higher education, the government not only undermines the potential for individual growth and personal fulfilment but also stifles the collective progress that could arise from diverse perspectives and experiences.

Liberation Theology calls for a commitment to uplifting marginalized communities and dismantling the structures perpetuating their marginalization. This includes ensuring equal opportunities for education and breaking down the barriers that hinder access. By embracing diversity and inclusion within higher education, universities can serve as platforms for social change, empowering individuals from marginalized communities to become agents of transformation in their own right.

Moreover, when working-class and minority-ethnic students are denied equal access to higher education, their voices and contributions are effectively silenced. By limiting their educational opportunities, the government perpetuates a system that excludes their perspectives and perpetuates social and economic disparities.

Liberation Theology insists on challenging inequalities and empowering marginalized communities. The government’s policy penalizes universities and courses with a higher proportion of working-class and minority-ethnic students, perpetuates systemic discrimination, and inhibits social mobility. Embracing the principles of justice and equity requires actively dismantling barriers and ensuring equal access to higher education for all. By doing so, we create a society that embraces diversity, fosters social mobility, and amplifies the voices and contributions of marginalized communities in pursuing a more just and inclusive world.

A Call for Inclusive Policies:

Liberation Theology serves as a powerful call for policymakers to adopt inclusive policies that empower individuals from all walks of life. This theological perspective emphasizes the importance of recognizing the inherent worth and potential of every individual, regardless of their socioeconomic background or ethnicity. Instead of solely prioritizing “graduate jobs” and higher salaries as markers of success, policymakers should embrace a more comprehensive understanding of education’s impact on personal growth, community development, and the pursuit of social justice.

Education is not solely about preparing individuals for specific careers or achieving financial success. It encompasses a broader purpose: to foster personal growth, critical consciousness, and a sense of social responsibility. By recognizing the multifaceted impact of education, policymakers can move beyond a narrow focus on economic outcomes and embrace a more holistic educational paradigm.

An inclusive educational paradigm values diverse paths and recognizes that success takes many forms. It acknowledges that individuals have different aspirations, talents, and contributions to make to society. By promoting critical consciousness, education becomes a tool for individuals to develop a deep understanding of social, economic, and political systems. It empowers them to question and challenge oppressive structures and work towards creating a more just and equitable society.

Furthermore, inclusive policies should prioritize empowering individuals to contribute meaningfully to society, irrespective of their chosen career paths. This includes valuing non-traditional forms of work, such as community engagement, social activism, or artistic endeavors, as essential contributions to the fabric of society. By broadening the definition of success beyond financial measures, policymakers can foster an environment that encourages individuals to pursue their passions, make a positive impact, and find fulfillment in various spheres of life.

Inclusive policies also require addressing systemic barriers that limit access to education and perpetuate inequalities. This entails providing equal opportunities for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, including adequate financial support, mentorship programs, and resources to overcome social and economic barriers. It involves actively creating an educational environment that embraces diversity, inclusivity, and cultural sensitivity, ensuring that all individuals feel valued, heard, and empowered.

Ultimately, embracing inclusive policies in education aligns with the principles of Liberation Theology. It recognizes the dignity and potential of every individual and promotes a vision of society that values diverse paths and contributions. By embracing a comprehensive understanding of education’s impact, policymakers can create an educational system that fosters personal growth, critical consciousness, and the development of empowered individuals who actively work towards a more just and equitable society.

Building a Just Society:

Liberation Theology presents a powerful vision for building a just society, one that actively dismantles oppressive structures and cultivates equality, dignity, and solidarity. Central to this vision is the recognition that education plays a transformative role in challenging systemic injustices and fostering a more equitable and compassionate society. However, the government’s current policy on “low-value degrees” falls short of aligning with this vision, as it undermines the transformative power of education for marginalized communities.

Creating a just society requires policymakers to address the root causes of inequality and oppression. Education serves as a key tool in this endeavor, as it has the potential to break cycles of disadvantage, empower individuals, and foster critical consciousness. By deeming certain degrees as “low-value,” policymakers inadvertently reinforce existing barriers and perpetuate marginalization. This approach fails to recognize the inherent worth and transformative potential of education in uplifting marginalized communities.

To build a just society, policymakers must instead focus on creating an educational system that uplifts all individuals. This requires challenging inequality and actively working to eliminate barriers to education. It involves providing equal opportunities for individuals from all socioeconomic backgrounds, ensuring access to quality education, and addressing the systemic factors that limit participation and success.

Moreover, a just society is one that promotes justice, compassion, and liberation. It acknowledges the interconnectedness of human experiences and recognizes the importance of solidarity in pursuing social change. Education, within the framework of Liberation Theology, becomes a means to cultivate empathy, compassion, and a sense of shared responsibility. It equips individuals with the tools to challenge systemic injustices, advocate for the rights of marginalized communities, and work towards the liberation of all people from oppressive structures.

Policymakers must actively prioritize justice, compassion, and liberation within the educational system. This includes fostering inclusive learning environments that celebrate diversity, promoting inclusive curriculum that reflects the histories and experiences of all individuals, and creating opportunities for dialogue and collaboration among students from diverse backgrounds. By doing so, policymakers can empower individuals to become agents of change, actively working towards a society that values equality, dignity, and solidarity.

Liberation Theology’s call for building a just society resonates deeply within the context of education. Policymakers must recognize the transformative power of education in challenging oppressive structures and promoting equality and liberation. By rejecting policies that reinforce barriers and by actively working towards an educational system that uplifts all individuals, challenges inequality, and promotes justice and compassion, we can strive towards the creation of a just society that respects the inherent dignity of every individual and fosters solidarity among all members of our global community.


By examining the government’s policy on “low-value” degrees through the lens of Liberation Theology, we uncover the potential consequences of perpetuating discrimination against marginalized communities. Embracing the transformative power of education, valuing diverse subjects, and challenging structural inequalities are vital steps towards building a more just and inclusive society. By reimagining policies that promote access, inclusivity, and empowerment, we can ensure that higher education catalyses social change and liberation for all.

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About Rev Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell

Rev. Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell, an Englishman deeply connected to Thailand, was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood on 28th May 2023.

In addition to his religious journey, he has worked as an online English teacher and pursued a career as an artist. He has also operated a tour desk business with his wife within international brand hotels.

Lloyd has extensive experience in the voluntary sector, specifically in addressing homelessness and social welfare.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and embraces opportunities to meet new people, see new places, explore cultural similarities, and celebrate differences.


My thanks to my old friend and colleague, Michael Guest, whose recent Facebook post inspired this post.