In 1997 Stephen was elected as the MP for South Thanet, defeating ex-cabinet minister Jonathan Aitken.  Steve is very much a 'constituency' MP and works closely with Thanet and Dover Councils, Kent County Council and the other public bodies to drive forward the regeneration of South Thanet. He visits local businesses, farms, voluntary bodies, schools and other local organisations every week to make sure that he stays in touch with their needs.  He and his family live in the constituency and his parliamentary office and all his staff are based there.  After the 2001 General Election Steve Ladyman became Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Minister for the Armed Forces (Rt Hon Adam Ingram MP). He was also appointed as ‘Liaison MP’ for the Netherlands and became Chair of the British Dutch All Party Group. Steve is probably best known in Parliament for his special interest in Autism, and he Chaired the all-party group on Autism, which he helped to set up.  In 2003 Steve was made the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Community in the Department of Health and from 2005 to 2007 he was Minister of State for Transport.  Steve is now Vice Chair of the Labour Party with particular responsibility for campaigning in the South East.

What is your favourite meal?
Bacon spare ribs and lentil soup.

Can you tell us about your favorite piece of music?

Faure’s Requiem, Turandot and You’ll Never Walk Alone

How would your friends describe you?
That b*****d! But hopefully with a smile on their face.

If you did not do the job you do, what different field or occupation do you think you might have succeeded in or liked to do?
Play for Liverpool

Do you have a hidden talent?
Playing table football (the type with the players on handles)

What small change do you consider would make the biggest positive difference?
Executing people who don’t clear up after their dogs              

Is there anything you would like to see universally outlawed?

Voting Conservative

Which of your contemporaries do you admire the most?
Tony Blair – for forgetting that I once told him to ‘pull himself together’

Can you tell me about a charity which deserves support?

CALM – the Campaign Against Living Miserably – that tries to prevent young men committing suicide.

Is there a question I have not thought to ask or something you would like to add?

Should anyone without a sense of humour be banned from commenting on the above? The answer is yes!

For more information on Stephen Ladyman MP CLICK HERE




Elected to Parliament for Canterbury and Whitstable in 1987.  In 2005 Julian was appointed Shadow Transport Minister with responsibility for aviation and shipping.  Julian Brazier was educated at Wellington College and won a scholarship in Mathematics to Oxford University.  Julian worked for nine years with Charter Consolidated plc, (mining and industrial holding company), doing economic research, corporate finance and as secretary to the executive directors.  Then three years with HP Maynard as an international management consultant.  He served as an officer in the Territorial Army for thirteen years, six of them in Airborne forces.  A practicing Christian (R.C.), he is married to Katharine and they have three sons.

What is your favorite meal?
Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding followed by lemon meringue pie.

Can you tell us about your favorite piece of music?

Tchaikovsky's 5th Symphony

How would your friends describe you?

If you did not do the job you do, what different field or occupation do you think you might have succeeded in or liked to do?

Do you have a hidden talent?
Writing, i would like to think

What small change do you consider would make the biggest positive difference?

Abolishing negligence cases for sport and adventure training organisations

Is there anything you would like to see universally outlawed?

The use of the word "like" as a substitute for "as"

Which of your contemporaries do you admire the most?
Richard Holmes

Can you tell me about a charity which deserves support?
Help for Heroes

Is there a question I have not thought to ask or something you would like to add?
Not really

For more information on Julian Brazier click HERE.