Beyond Offense | Channeling Our Energy Towards a Just and Compassionate World

In this article, we invite you to reconsider the things that truly warrant our offense and to prioritize the urgent social issues that demand our attention.

Introduction: Redirecting Our Focus

In today’s hyperconnected world, offense seems to be lurking around every corner.

Trivial matters like social media posts, differing opinions, or simple words can trigger strong reactions and fuel endless debates.

But what if we shifted our focus? What if, instead of being offended by these superficial issues, we directed our energy towards the real problems that plague our society?

In this article, we invite you to reconsider the things that truly warrant our offense and to prioritize the urgent social issues that demand our attention.

Social Media and the Offense Trap: Shifting Our Perspective

The age of social media has brought with it a constant cycle of offense.

A mere post or comment can spark heated arguments and hurt feelings. But let’s pause for a moment and reflect. Are these the battles we should be fighting?

Rather than getting caught up in the endless loop of online offense, it’s time to step back and refocus our energy on the profound injustices that persist in our world.

By shifting our perspective, we can avoid falling into the trap of trivial offenses and instead make a tangible impact on the issues that truly matter.

Embracing a Christian Perspective: From Trivial Matters to Life-Altering Problems

As believers guided by Christian metaphysics, it is essential for us to reexamine our priorities in a world driven by instant offense and trivial grievances.

Instead of being offended by superficial matters, let us delve deeper into the principles that uphold our faith.

Poverty, homelessness, prejudice, war, greed, oppression, and injustice—these are the true offenses that erode the dignity of God’s creation.

By embracing a Christian perspective grounded in love, justice, and compassion, we can become catalysts for positive change and advocates for a more equitable and harmonious society.

Reevaluating Our Offense Meter: From Trivial Matters to Life-Altering Problems

It’s time to recalibrate our offense meter and reset our priorities.

Rather than being offended by minor inconveniences or differing opinions, let’s channel our outrage towards the pervasive problems that afflict humanity.

Poverty, homelessness, prejudice, war, greed, oppression, and injustice—they are the true sources of offense that warrant our attention.

By reevaluating our offense meter, we can redirect our energy and resources towards creating meaningful change in the world.

Identifying the Culprits: Unmasking the True Offenders

In the pursuit of addressing societal issues, we must unmask the true offenders.

It’s not the innocent posts on social media, the display of affection, or the artworks that should bear the brunt of our offense.

Instead, we should direct our indignation towards poverty, homelessness, prejudice, war, greed, oppression, and injustice.

These are the true culprits deserving of our offense. By focusing our attention on these profound injustices, we can work towards a world that reflects the values of justice, compassion, and equality.

Transforming Indignation into Advocacy: Shifting from Offense to Action

Indignation alone achieves little, but when coupled with action, it becomes a catalyst for change.

Let’s transform our offense into advocacy and take meaningful steps to address the pressing issues we find so offensive.

By supporting organizations combating poverty, volunteering at homeless shelters, promoting inclusivity and equality, advocating for peaceful solutions, challenging systems of greed and oppression, and striving for justice, we can make a tangible difference.

It’s time to channel our outrage towards constructive and impactful actions that tackle the root causes of our offense.

Mobilizing Communities for Change: The Power of Collective Offense

We are not alone in our pursuit of justice and a better world.

When we collectively channel our offense towards combating societal issues, we become a force to be reckoned with.

By joining forces with like-minded individuals and organizations, we can amplify our impact, create lasting change, and inspire others to join the cause.

Let’s harness the power of collective offense to mobilize communities, raise awareness, and advocate for policies and initiatives that address poverty, homelessness, prejudice, war, greed, oppression, and injustice head-on.

Redefining Our Role: From Offended Bystanders to Agents of Change

As we realign our offense with the genuine problems facing our world, we must also redefine our role.

We are not mere offended bystanders but active agents of change.

By educating ourselves, engaging in thoughtful conversations, voting responsibly, supporting ethical businesses, and making conscious choices in our daily lives, we can contribute to a more just and equitable society.

It’s time to shed the cloak of offense and step into the role of change-makers.

Conclusion: From Superficial Offense to Lasting Impact

In a world inundated with triggers and easily offended sensibilities, it is crucial that we refocus our attention on the issues that truly warrant offense.

Poverty, homelessness, prejudice, war, greed, oppression, and injustice are the battles that demand our outrage.

By shifting our perspective and directing our energy towards constructive action, we can make a lasting impact on these social problems.

Let us transcend the superficiality of offense and embrace the transformative power of advocacy, collective action, and the pursuit of a more compassionate and just world.

As believers guided by Christian metaphysics, we are called to a higher standard of discernment and action.

By shifting our focus from trivial offenses to the profound injustices that break God’s heart, we can bring about meaningful change in our world.

Poverty, homelessness, prejudice, war, greed, oppression, and injustice—they are the offenses that demand our attention, compassion, and advocacy.

Let us embrace the transformative power of our faith, mobilize our communities, and work together to create a more just, compassionate, and God-honoring world.

May our offense be channeled towards the restoration and healing that reflects the true essence of Christian metaphysics.

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About Rev Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell

Rev. Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell, an Englishman deeply connected to Thailand, was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood on 28th May 2023.

In addition to his religious journey, he has worked as an online English teacher and pursued a career as an artist. He has also operated a tour desk business with his wife within international brand hotels.

Lloyd has extensive experience in the voluntary sector, specifically in addressing homelessness and social welfare.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and embraces opportunities to meet new people, see new places, explore cultural similarities, and celebrate differences.

Combining Radical Orthodox and Liberation Theology into a coherent singular theological approach.

Until my ordination, on my journey of reading theology, I was most influenced by Liberation Theology.
My friend and colleague Fr. Zach Storey suggested I do a ‘deep dive’ into the works of David Bentley Hart, John Milbank and other Radical Orthodox Christian theologians.
I am now exploring whether there is a way to coalesce these two pillars of Theology into a coherent singular theological approach.