
ben nevis and the luss highland games

During the first Saturday in July I went with my sisters' family to the Luss Highland Games.  

They featured the tug- o-war, field cycling, throwing the hammer, throwing the bushel and wrestling.

In every event there was a token woman entered in the spirit of equal opportunities.  Although there did not appear to be a womans class in any of the activities except dancing,  This is in no way a critisism, merely an observation.  The whole thing was great!!

The day before Luss, in commemoration of my little nephews 7th year, we walked to the top of Ben Nevis (the biggest mountain in the UK).    The weather walking up Ben Nevis was appalling except for the top where it appeared that we were above the clouds. 

The path is maintained exceptionally well with the lion's share of the work being undertaken by hand.

What is so amazing the day after climbing the hill is that and whilst at the games, as the adults complained that "My calves are as tight as a …" ending
the sentance with as many variations on the same theme including
'drum', 'tight cycling shorts', 'a badgers bottom' etc we watched as
the lad jumped around in an inflatable pirate ship with other kids
before entering himself in the running race.  I know that they are made
of rubber, but the fact that he was so full of beans was amazing.  My little nephew took part in the childrens race, making a valient effort  to come in a very proud last. 

My brother-in-law, who doesn't any longer like to be
described as having a squint, glass eye, wooden leg, green curley teeth
or in fact, any reference to his pink mohican failed on this occasion
to wear his traditional scottich garb.  Despite this, the day was a real treat.

Thank you Ben Nevis,  Thank you Luss!!

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