Tag Archive for: Manrique’s artistic

A couple of weeks ago I went to see the house of Cesar Manrique.

The Cesar Manrique Foundation is located in Taro de Tahiche (Close to Costa Teguise). It is probably the work that best represents Manrique's artistic and personal ideals.

Cesar Manrique's house was built in 1968 on top of a volcanic trail
from a volcanic eruption that occurred in 1730-36. It uses the natural
formation of five volcanic bubbles for the main rooms within the house.
The outside of the house and upper level is an inspiration from the
traditional architecture of Lanzarote.

If it was not for Cesar Manrique, the Island of
Lanzarote would not look like it does now. He fought for all the
buildings to be no higher than the tallest palm tree and that all the
houses should be the same colour (except for the painted wood found on doors and window frames – generally blue or green).

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The sculpture outside the foundation.

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Bones and skulls hanging outside the entrance.

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A clever glass sculpture.

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A canvas which caught my eye.

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A window overlooking the lava fields.

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Fish and duck.

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The symbol of the Devil's island

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A design for a roundabout.  Lots of the roundabouts have wind sculptures on them.

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Another roundabout sculpture design.

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Another design for a roundabout sculpture.

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Another roundabout sculpture design.

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A great fishy picture.

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Water fountain in the garden.

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A lava tunnel which is utilized as a hallway from one room to another.

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A room is designed within a lava bubble.  A tree grows through the ceiling.

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The garden with pool inside a lava flow makes this house seem like a James Bond set.

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This is really clever.  The window is made at ground level.  A chunk lava is left jutting into the room reminding us that this clean contempory house is still a part of nature.  Fantastic.

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I like the green lamp shades!

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The little man sign outside the mens toilets.

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I like these camel designs.  They seem so simple.

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The fish are really clever too.

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So ends my homage to the great CM!