Tag Archive for: fish

A couple of weeks ago I went to see the house of Cesar Manrique.

The Cesar Manrique Foundation is located in Taro de Tahiche (Close to Costa Teguise). It is probably the work that best represents Manrique's artistic and personal ideals.

Cesar Manrique's house was built in 1968 on top of a volcanic trail
from a volcanic eruption that occurred in 1730-36. It uses the natural
formation of five volcanic bubbles for the main rooms within the house.
The outside of the house and upper level is an inspiration from the
traditional architecture of Lanzarote.

If it was not for Cesar Manrique, the Island of
Lanzarote would not look like it does now. He fought for all the
buildings to be no higher than the tallest palm tree and that all the
houses should be the same colour (except for the painted wood found on doors and window frames – generally blue or green).

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The sculpture outside the foundation.

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Bones and skulls hanging outside the entrance.

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A clever glass sculpture.

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A canvas which caught my eye.

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A window overlooking the lava fields.

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Fish and duck.

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The symbol of the Devil's island

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A design for a roundabout.  Lots of the roundabouts have wind sculptures on them.

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Another roundabout sculpture design.

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Another design for a roundabout sculpture.

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Another roundabout sculpture design.

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A great fishy picture.

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Water fountain in the garden.

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A lava tunnel which is utilized as a hallway from one room to another.

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A room is designed within a lava bubble.  A tree grows through the ceiling.

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The garden with pool inside a lava flow makes this house seem like a James Bond set.

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This is really clever.  The window is made at ground level.  A chunk lava is left jutting into the room reminding us that this clean contempory house is still a part of nature.  Fantastic.

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I like the green lamp shades!

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The little man sign outside the mens toilets.

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I like these camel designs.  They seem so simple.

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The fish are really clever too.

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So ends my homage to the great CM!

These two TED talks feature the amzaing octopus.  I really enjoyed them and hope you do too.

Underwater filmmaker Mike deGruy has spent decades looking intimately
at the ocean. A consummate storyteller, he takes the stage at Mission
Blue to share his awe and excitement — and his fears — about the blue
heart of our planet.

David Gallo shows jaw-dropping footage of amazing sea creatures, including a color-shifting cuttlefish, a perfectly camouflaged octopus, and a Times Square's worth of neon light displays from fish who live in the blackest depths of the ocean.

You might also find this article interesting:

Davy Jones Garbage Dump (1975)

Deep Sea Dumping (2000)

WE SAY NO – Facebook group

I started today. 

I am going to be working 6 days a week.  On average I will be having Sunday off making an average of 2 dives per day.  Pretty hard core I reckon, and brilliant.

The morning was spent, completing paperwork and disclaimers in duplicate (Elf and Safety!!).  Then putting kit together in a box and being shown around the centre by Mr D., the Dive Centre Manager.  

Mr D. is a really nice guy who is married to a German woman.  They both have a little baby.  I met another instructor Babs, known as the 'Diving Diva'.  She is a typical instructor, jumping around, engaging, and motivating the white and blue collar workers to enjoy the diving and giving them a real experience.  She presents as really fun, but works really hard moving tanks around, making everything safe and sorting gear.  
Today was an orientation dive.   If you don't know this means getting into the water in the way the instructor advises… achieving a neutral buoyancy and then doing some basic exercises. We rolled over, went upside down as a handstand and stayed there floating after pushing off from the sea bed. Swimming backwards and doing a roly-poly

It all sounds pretty easy, but it isn't.  Underwater is like being on an alien planet.  Concepts we take for granted, even basic functions are profoundly altered, obviously including the idea of breathing and that is just the start.

Whilst under the water I saw:

  • Several wrasse (multi coloured)
  • Three large grey/brown parrot fish (different from in the pet shop)
  • A cuttle fish (hiding in the sand which swam off backwards as I approached it)
  • Some goatfish (using their moustaches to dig in the sand and sea bed)

and a whole host of others I do not know the names of.

When we finished the dive and everyone was feeling a bit tired, Babs played a practical joke by placing a dried 'sticky' date, into a colleagues shoe to see if he would notice.  

The whole group was aware, the guy walked back toward the minibus and got dressed.  As he put his shoe on, the tension and excitement within the group was palpable.  The put his foot on the floor and took his foot half out a few times before replacing it, as if there was just something about the shoe he could not get comfortable.  In the end the shoe was rammed on.  

He did it up and proceeded to get everything and everyone into the minibus. No one said a word. It was one of those school boy pranks which are so simple, yet so funny, and quite mean. How will he get her back I wonder?

My best bit of the dive:  I hung suspended upside down and got all confused as a mirrored heaving shimmering film shone with rays of light from below my feet, whilst above my head fish swum past inverted below a sandy ceiling.

In my house I have three aquariums.

One is
significantly bigger than the two others and has six coldwater goldfish
swimming in it (one big and five very small).  The two small tanks were
bought for me by my lost love as birthday presents a few years ago.  At
their zenith they accommodated a thriving community of Guppies. 

are live bearing and breed like nothing else.  With such short breeding
cycles you can successfully influence new colours and shape strains
within a matter of months.  Lots of interest was given to 'the
Gupsters' and notes were kept on the kitchen notice board of their
names, with corresponding tail drawings, identifying who was who.  I
would recommend Gupsters to anyone, but most especially for families
with kids.

With the 'no-plan plan' and after I had agreed the placement for Noggin I was now thinking about the fish.

"What to do with the fish tanks?", I said to myself.  Then the answer came, "Facebook!"

try to keep my status updated or at least relevant to where life is and
so I put the problem to my enormous cohort of 'friends' (a minority of
whom I have seen, whilst the majority I probably have not seen or
spoken to for 20 years and some are just strangers who wanted to be my
friend and who appeared to be friendly enough).

a day an old pal had messaged back, her and her boyfriend were happy to
take the big one.  This was excellent news.  The no-plan plan is now
really coming together.