Ricochetting Begins

Do not go where others go
Do not feel pressured so
Set your own goals and proceed
Then you will succeed.

Catherine Pulsifer

So began a period where I was ricocheting about, getting advice, pursuing leads and slowly, sometimes imperceptively feeling a way forward.

It was a difficult time, with lots of dead ends and lots of ideas. It was knowing that the journey had begun but not knowing the shape or length of the journey to come.

I reflected a lot on the poem ‘On Comittment’ by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

What Did Rev. Don Witts Suggest?

“Hello Don, It’s me!”  It had been 11 years, and I knew Don was a man I could talk to. Rev Don Witts had been one of my old bosses.  He used to be vicar at All Saints, Birchington and a Trustee of The Scrine Foundation in Canterbury, where I used to work as CEO; all of this in what seemed to be a lifetime ago.

“It’s a long time ago now, but I did a Bishop’s Certificate,” Don said.  “You could try to do that with Southwark Diocese.”  This was a good lead!

“You should also try to contact any local clergy where you live and see how they might help”. This was obvious, but good to remember.

I should note that at every stage I spoke to Don, he was so encouraging, saying in good humour,

“It took you long enough!”

He reiterated that he would give as much help at every stage as possible to assist.

What a star!

About Rev Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell

Rev. Lloyd Hobbard-Mitchell, an Englishman deeply connected to Thailand, was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood on 28th May 2023.

In addition to his religious journey, he has worked as an online English teacher and pursued a career as an artist. He has also operated a tour desk business with his wife within international brand hotels.

Lloyd has extensive experience in the voluntary sector, specifically in addressing homelessness and social welfare.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and embraces opportunities to meet new people, see new places, explore cultural similarities, and celebrate differences.